Frederick Kemp, a key figure in Fleetwood’s history and development
Sir Peter Hesketh-Fleetwood’s brother Charles introduced him to an acquaintance of his called Frederick Kemp and, initially he seemed to be a very efficient agent and steward.
Peter engaged him on the spot and left his affairs entirely in the hands of Mr Kemp, a decision he was later to much regret.
Kemp repeatedly refused to hand over money from the Fleetwood estates, and as Peter was not a confrontational man, he pleaded with his brother to talk to Kemp, asking him to furnish details of accounts.
Kemp still did not acquiesce and, instead, produced invoices for further substantial amounts of money.
If these were not paid, he informed Sir Peter, he would have to charge compound interest.
In his Fleetwood office Kemp was rapidly becoming the most important and powerful man in the town. Kemp gave the orders and, being a man of forceful character, his commands were respected and obeyed. He was able to consolidate his position and to take advantage of the many situations which arose.
As Peter’s financial situation became more grave, and Kemp continued to refused to supply either accounting explanations or funds, he was forced to sell some of his property and land, eventually including his beloved Rossall Hall.
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